Friday, February 1, 2008

A little up, a little down

Today was another round of chemo. I dropped her off around 8:40 and discovered she has lost a pound since last week. :-( She tolerated chemo well, but only ate half of her treats. I was very late picking her up due to work and she didn't get home until after 6 PM. On the ride home, she was more chipper than last week and took a few licks of her Kong.

Tonight, she's been pretty okay. More animated than usual after chemo. She ate her entire dinner, but she's had gas and been barking to be let out every 40 minutes or so. It is very funny when she farts because she surprises herself and looks at her ass quizzically. It is very cold and wet - Mona's two least favorite climate characteristics - so our thought tonight is to lay down puppy pads in the bathroom for everyone's peace of mind.

The boys are good tonight. They polished off her chemo Kong and enjoyed dinner. Both think she's nuts to keep going outside so frequently and much prefer to snooze in front of the coffee table. Xander will give her a commiserating escort to the back door, but Deus just rolls over.

We hung out tonight to keep her company. I am tired so that was a good choice. Today at work my colleagues asked about her which is really nice. I'm surprised more people don't think I'm crazy for spending all the $$ on a dog.

I wonder what George Foreman thinks?

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