Monday, January 26, 2009

They called her Coco ... Coco Ba Noco

Coco had a low key day today. Spent about 45 minutes hanging with us ... she likes to perch on the cat scratch pad. Deus and Xander got to sniff her. She and Ana hung out on the sofa together. At one point, they were wrestling across the sofa with Coco licking Ana's head. I wish I had a video camera!

All in all, smooth day of adjustments. Natasha really REALLY wants to meet Coco. Hopefully, by tomorrow we'll be a step closer to making that happen.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Coco - Nuts!

She's a wild and wacky kitty. She has redecorated the bathroom in shredded toilet paper, hidden all of the mobile items and gleefully flung cat litter from one end of the room to the other.

Today, I had her out in the main part of the house for a few hours while the other critters were secured. She checked things out, including a brief contemplation of the mantle (Ledcat was quick with the swooping in...) and then curled up on the scratching post for a nap. She wasn't the slightest bit interested in her food until I took her back upstairs later in the afternoon. I bought her some toys and I can hear her playing with them on the bathroom floor.

I've only known one other Siamese (my grandmother's cat) who was much more delicate. Coco has a thick somewhat bushy tail and heavily coated legs. Her eyes seem to be in perpetual wide open astonishment.

Ana is not a fan. Coco wants to play with her tail and Ana isn't happy about that. However, the more indignantly Ana swishes her tail, the more tempting it becomes. What to do! Ana did also not seem thrilled at Coco's mad dashes around the living room chasing toys, fluff and invisible fairies. Ana curled up next to me shivering slightly as she surveyed the chaos.

As I type, Ana is now firmly ensconced between her brothers on the dog bedding, perhaps reassuring herself that she is still the princess of the house. Deus is soothing her with a tongue bath. Overall, Ana seems to be of the opinion that Coco's only use is as a source of additional wet cat food.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Natasha is staring intently at the bathroom door trying to determine exactly what lurks on the other side.

As I sign off, Ana has returned to my side. There is a permanent wet spot on my jeans from where she buries her little nose and sighs. Poor little critter.

She's certainly got it better than the toilet paper.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our new foster: Coco ... maybe

Thursday we learned that a little Siamese kitty was living in an abandoned building and being fed by the workers renovating it. For some reason, we decided to take her in. The thought of her being in the building during the future cold snap broke our hearts so Friday afternoon, I picked her up from a volunteer.

Our plan is to get her vetted, keep her safe and well-fed while looking for her owner. For now she is living in the bathroom. That was fine for the first 12 hours as she mostly ate and slept (poor thing must have been exhausted). Early this morning she discovered toilet paper. We forgot about young cats and toilet paper.

She went right into the carrier for the workman and came right out for me. I carried her into the bathroom with some water. I brought up food and she attacked it voraciously. When I brough in the litter box, she played for awhile and then used it. She's a big coverer upper which leaves litter all over the place. :-)

She's quite playful and chipper. She wants out of the room, but hasn't tried to escape, yet. Last night, I was sitting on the floor with her and she actually curled up on her towel and closed her eyes in what seemed to be a really exhausted pose. I have to wonder if she's had any real rest being out on her own. Clearly, she was someone's cat.

I wonder what her story is?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This weekend, Ana spent her first extended period of time with the kids of the family. We celebrated our mother in law's birthday and hosted a preschooler and a baby of 9 months. Ana did great! She didn't exactly play and clearly preferred the company of the adults, but she let our niece pet her and sniffed the baby a few times. It was great! There was a bonding moment when Ana realized that the niece was the best source of dropped food. :-)

We were super happy. The boys had to stay in the basement, but did enjoy some backyard time in the snow. Ava happily watched them through the back window and asked repeatedly if she could go play with them. I made a point to go out and frolic with them, letting them kiss me and putting them through simple commands so she wouldn't be afraid. She was fine.

It was a good day.