Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ana Takes a Poop

Yep, that's big news. She pooped in the backyard after what seemed like 3 hours of sniffing. Definitely like Mona. Definitely.

Ana slept through the night with no problems. She preferred to curl up on the comforter on the floor in front of the window than on the bed itself. This morning, she was in furl energy mode -- walked right outside with me and sat there wagging her tail, waiting for something. So back in we came. She helped Ledcat get ready for work. Then she ate Simon's cat food right out from under him. Ha.

She did eat some of her kibble so that was good. She also ate a dog treat someone left behind from a Kong. Now she's sleeping off all that good eatin'. :-)

Ledcat discovered last night that reading bed with Ana is impossible. She busts through the paper or book to lie on your lap and lick, lick, lick.

We'll see what happens next. My allergies are in overtime so I'm going to take a nap.

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