Sunday, June 29, 2008


Sorry for the delay in posting. Things have been good. Just now I tried to snap a photo of Ana curled up with two of the kitties, but one of the kitties moved. Ana has been eating well and made playful overtures to her brothers. She'll play by herself once in awhile. Her worst sin is her incessant attempts to eat the cat food. Today we began switching the cats to almost the same food as the dogs (brand/flavor -- not species) so that should be fun. She's so teeny that we sometimes actually don't see her standing amongst the cats chowing down. Little bugger.

She's terribly fearful of thunderstorms. She will wake us up she's shaking so hard. With the 4th of July coming up ... sigh. We do still struggle to get her to pee and poop in a reasonable amount of time. Sometimes she's fine and sometimes we do a little dance.

The boys are good. We had an overnight guest and they were very well-behaved. She brought them treats so they were very happy. They start a new round of obedience classes next week. Well, Ledcat goes first and then all four of us attend the following week. It is being held in a park. That will be really nice.

Then we need obedience classes for the Banana. Her response to any command is to jump up on your legs and then whimper. :-)

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