Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ashes, Ashes, We All fall Down

Mona's ashes have been ready since last Friday. I don't want to go and get them. Ledcat is forcing me to go on Friday. She's afraid they'll somehow get thrown out. I'm afraid to cry some more.

Me 'n the boys had some fun time outside tonight. I was able to park behind the house and came in the back gate. They were outside with Ledcat "helping" to cook dinner on the grill. Xander likes to play a run back and forth game. Deus prefers to watch. Then I had them so interested in a tennis ball, that I forgot I was wearing work clothes and wiped my muddy, drool covered hands on my nice pants. Ah, well. It was fun. They both ate rather quickly. Xander is under my desk right now and Deus is laying on his dog bed. He's afraid of the new steps to the attic.

I'm so glad they have each other. I can't imagine having one dog left behind, especially as there was no good-bye.

Mona is everywhere in my life. She's my computer wallpaper at work and home. She's my icon on gmail and Facebook. She's everything.

I just want to fill this hole in my heart. With anything. Just something.

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