Monday, January 7, 2008

Mona French Kisses the Plumber

He didn't seem to mind. At $169.0, he damn well better not mind if she cops a feel, too.

We had some junk in our pipes and its all gone now. The plumber told me that today is his cat's birthday. He also let Mona sniff his hat and his paperwork. Plus, he dragged the giant snake thing through our underground passageway so I wouldn't have to dismantle the dog-gate. He won my heart. As much as a plumber can.

Mona is pretty much her usual self today. Sniffy, hungry and looking for love. I worked from home this afternoon (see plumber) so she joined me on the sofa and kept an eye on my paperwork when I got up for a fresh drink or a stretch. I was very impressed that she resisted the temptation to sit on it (or roll on it). She ate a moderate breakfast, inhaled her Kong and ate most of her dinner (spaghetti sauce helped tempt her).

The warm weather throws them for a loop. They are all sleeping on the bare floor instead of their beds. Mona kept trying to strip the covers entirely off the bed last night, regardless of how the rest of the bed occupants felt about it. There's nothing like paws raking your covers away at 3 AM to start your morning.

She must know I'm blogging about her. She just came over to the sofa, ejected the cat and assumed her spot in between Ledcat and me.

She better keep that tongue to herself.

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